Simons Table – Seville Orange & Lemon Marmalade (for Cheese)


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Simon’s Marmalade is unusual! It is a full flavoured, rich dark & tangy, Seville Orange and Lemon marmalade with caramel undertones and evenly distributed small chunks of peel.

The secret – the oranges and lemons are cooked for longer, at a lower temperature, releasing more from the fruit and after the sugar is added, it is boiled at a lower temperature for longer, where the caramelisation takes place. Average cooking time is around 14 hours.

It has deep rich flavours that just keep on coming and is great on toast/croissant, in sauces/glazes or with firm blue and mature hard cheeses.

Once opened, close lid tightly after use and store at ambient temperature. It can be stored in this form for up to 3 months depending on the number of times the jar has been opened. We do not recommend refrigeration because some sugar may crystallise


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